Online TOEFL Classes

Unlock admissions to the 11,500+ institutions in more than 160 countries with TOEFL.

Master TOEFL with us!

Dive into a world where learning is not just about hitting the books, but a vibrant mix of smart strategies, thorough practice, and attention that’s all about you. With our certified instructor leading the way, our TOEFL classes are more than lessons—they’re your golden key to success. Every session is fine-tuned to change the way you approach reading, writing, listening, and speaking. We’re all about giving you a well-rounded prep that not only meets your TOEFL targets but sails right past them.

Join us, and let’s turn your aspirations into achievements!

Our TOEFL Coaching Plans

Foundation Course

Strategic Course

Intensive Course

Tailored Plan

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Learn TOEFL at Your Own Pace


The TOEFL, or Test of English as a Foreign Language, measures your English language proficiency as non-native English speakers. It serves as a benchmark for measuring your ability to understand, use, and communicate effectively in English, particularly in academic settings.

The TOEFL holds great importance for individuals aspiring to study or work in English-speaking countries, especially the United States. Educational institutions and employers use TOEFL scores to assess your language skills, making it a crucial requirement for admission and job opportunities.

Types of TOEFL Tests

There are primarily two types of TOEFL tests:

  1. TOEFL iBT (Internet-based Test): This is the most common format, conducted online. It assesses your skills in reading, listening, speaking, and writing in an integrated manner.
  2. TOEFL PBT (Paper-based Test): This format is used in regions where the internet-based test is not available. It evaluates listening comprehension, structure and written expression, and reading comprehension.

TOEFL Structure Overview

The TOEFL comprises four main sections:

  • Reading Section: This section assesses your ability to understand written English, including academic texts, articles, and essays.
  • Listening Section: It evaluates your capacity to comprehend spoken English in various contexts, such as lectures, conversations, and discussions.
  • Speaking Section: This part measures your ability to express ideas and opinions clearly and coherently in English.
  • Writing Section: It assesses your writing skills, including your ability to construct well-organized essays and convey ideas effectively.

TOEFL Scoring System

TOEFL scores are reported on a scale of 0 to 120 points, with each section scored from 0 to 30 points. The total score reflects your overall English proficiency.

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